What Causes Structural Damage?

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Structural damage is damage to the main structure or any component designed to provide structural integrity of the construction.

Primary causes of structural defects include:

Workmanship – With around 70% of matters involving water/plumbing issues, this is the reason for most structural defects. Claims on Latent Defect Insurance can include;

  • Incorrect materials used
  • Incorrect workmanship (dampness, plumbing issues etc.)

An example of poor workmanship is when Kings Cross Station toppled from its architectural throne due to the contractor’s failure to use the correct sealant on the glass roof panels, consequently one of these enormous panels detached itself and fell. This was claimed on the latent defects warranty.

Structural Damage Caused by Design

This particular issue could be something that the architect has neglected or completed incorrectly. The reason for structural failure is, ultimately, forces acting on the structure, which an architect may not have accounted for. One example of a design flaw could be an architect missing out a supporting wall, and without it, this structure is unsafe.

Structural Damage Caused by Foundation Failure

There are various reasons for foundation failure:

  • Soil with inadequate bearing capability – This can be avoided by taking out soil inspections, but unfortunately land with suitable bearing capability isn’t always available
  • Foundations not excavated deep enough
  • In circumstances where there is already an existing foundation to be built on top of, the old foundations will need to be inspected thoroughly to guarantee they are capable of carrying the new mass safely and securely

All of these disputes are covered with a Building warranty. While the individual purchasing the insurance may not be the end user of the cover, it will make the property saleable, since it’s not possible to acquire a mortgage or any method of lending without insurance.

Structural Defects Warranty Provider

With Buildsafe’s wealth of experience and contacts, we can make your insurance-search a tailored, efficient and stress free experience that throws away the need to devote hours attaining quotations from insurance companies and ensure that your insurance policy is bespoke to the complexities of your project. For more information, please call 020 3701 0422 or fill in our contact form.

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